
Many thanks to buzz for of course hosting the best damn servers on the internet, but also for locking the Desert Combat server and along with tiddles teaching me how fly the choppers in DC you 2 have a ton of patience lol.
Solo of course for founding the clan but for also teaching me how to build websites using xoops and for teaching me yoda like patience and wisdom
Webley for founding the site aswell, but mainly for teaching me the phrase "awesome sauce"
Buzz, Eclipse, Tiddles and Oaksy for [neWPC] and everyone who was with us there.
Eclipse for being my boss way back when.
Gorn for telling me about the science experiments he used to do.
Blaze for his moderating skills, most moderators would just lock or delete a topic with out saying anything, others would give a short reason, but Blaze used to make funny images with I think it was dragon balls people on it, which later on turned developed in to the "spaminator" and "mr t" etc moderators. Its hard to get angry at some one who locks your topic when they put effort in to things like that
Svientore for his skills with the a-10 and making me paranoid on el alamein

Elo, hemi and everyone who makes mods and creative things with the WPC name on it, I really wish i could do what you guys do.
Whiskey for uploading WPC videos to youtube.
Snooze the chat box is your and with good reason, i only wish i had more time to talk to you in it.
I know there not technically members but the {WPC}, I remember when toofargone came on the site and was like "hey guys im starting up a clan called the wolfe pack clan any one want to join?" hehehehe
And to everyone else that ive ever played games with or ever talked to

Im so sorry if I missed some people and I hope to game with you guys who I havent had the honor of doing so yet.
Now for the people who I dont miss:
Oaksy, man that guy was a huge pain in the backside and damn was he ugly.
Wupper, again another guy who was disadvantage in the beauty arena, he smelt of cabbage and was never any good at any games.