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Posted on: 2012/8/5 14:52

Joined: 2009/12/14
From: UK
Posts: 1902
Tribute to all WPC Members old and new!
This thread is to remember those who served in the WPC and what they did for us; old or new

You may learn a thing or two here about those who were responsible for a couple of things you see today

Please post your good memories of every member you have ever encountered in the WPC!!


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Posted on: 2012/8/5 14:59

Joined: 2009/5/23
From: New York NY
Posts: 2728
Re: Tribute to all WPC Members old and new!
I Recall when [WPC] Tic in 2004 asked me if he can be a server admin and did wonders with the BF1942 /Desert Combat as well as with Team Speek servers. The same thing Dean and whisky are doing today with there tremendous contributions to the WPC .

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Posted on: 2012/8/5 15:01

Joined: 2010/3/27
From: Newcastle, England
Posts: 1567
Re: Tribute to all WPC Members old and new!
I would actually like to make a little thank you to all the guys that made me feel welcome when I first joined!

Webley yourself of course
Buzz Grr!

and to my two favourite Clan children Alpha and Boldfart! I'm so proud of you two! :'(

"Fighting was the only thing... the only thing I was good at. But... at least I always fought for what I believed in."- Grey Fox

Posted on: 2012/8/5 15:06

Joined: 2010/4/9
From: Essex, England
Posts: 1636
Re: Tribute to all WPC Members old and new!
I remember a long while ago, when we had left 4 dead 1 and 2 server couples with the half life 2 dm server, and the counter strike server.

i was desprately trying to make a database work, and spent 20 hours straight doing so, and thank Buzz for keeping me sane up until the point he had to go to bed and i was all alone again....


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Posted on: 2012/8/5 15:11

Joined: 2009/12/14
From: UK
Posts: 1902
Re: Tribute to all WPC Members old and new!
Old School

Josh MacCabbe: This guy was a natural leader of the WPC. Alot of ideas, contributions and constructive posts came from this guy all the time. He was such a large part of the WPC startup process. Not only that, but he was an amazing player during the AvP2 Tournament days. He was also the first original WPC Story Teller. His writing was amazing!! I believe he was also the guy responible for naming the Council "Long Fangs"

Buzz and B2: These guys have been hosting servers since the begging. Hosting WPC games for 10 years!!!

Main Gauche: Was the first modder and graphic designer for the WPC. He made the 1st set of AvP2 Skins for WPC.

Blaze: If there was one player responsible for allowing the WPC to win the AvP2 Ladder and coming 1st place... It was this guy. An amazing shot. Secondly He is the longest standing council member to date. I think he served between 2003 or 2004 till 2010.

Solo: Solo approached me in game whilst I was fragging everyone in my sights. He asked if I wanted to be part of something new. Originally the WPC was called WC, which sounded to much like a toilet. From "Wolf Clan" we called ourselves "Wolf Pack Clan" Thus history was made. This guy is hard to find, yet is always around... He is as mysterious as the mighty grey wolf itself.

Silent Wolf: Silent Wolf wrote poems on wolves before Josh wrote stories. You could almost say she was the one responsible for the birth of Story Telling

Cartman: Hosted the first CMS website for WPC which Solo got heavily involved with. Solo learnt about the system and so did Buzz. Both Buzz and Solo went on to use these new skills to actually make money building websites!

Wupper, Blaze, Tic, Tiddles, Oxy, Buzz, Solo, B2 and Shad for basically carrying on the clan for many years when everyone left after the death of AvP2. They found new games and members to join them, But these were the consistent members who carried us through all the way to 2010 when the WPC had a surge of activity on the release of AvP 2010. All these members need Veteran Status (Will arrange this)

Tic: The first Server admin allowed into Buzz's servers other than Buzz/B2. Tic also showed buzz how to operate some parts of the xoops websites

Tiddles / Oaksy: for telling Buzz to host the first Teamspeak server back in the Battlefield days (Correct me on this Buzz? Am I right?)

Mid/New School

Hemi: (Need to type this up)

Snooze: (Need to type this up)

Many Many More to come - too tired now

More to come from me........ (Was just posting about some of the old school..... I will hopefully have something to say about every member! Watch this space) Its getting late so I will carry on this tomorrow!!!


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Posted on: 2012/8/5 16:19

Joined: 2009/5/23
From: New York NY
Posts: 2728
Re: Tribute to all WPC Members old and new!
When the WPC had its restart in 2010 I was a bit of a virgin to steam and what its capable of doing When I received a Steam Gift -steam gift I was like what the heck is this AND WHO IT WAS FROM, grrrrrrrrrrrr. Next thing I know it was the real thing from a real generous guy who then proceeded to get gifts for my daughter [WPC] Bryanna.

Hemi I would like to say thanks for adding to Bryanna's and myself s gaming fun.

Now thats WPC

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Posted on: 2012/8/5 18:07

Joined: 2010/2/6
From: Yorkshire born, Yorkshire bred
Posts: 1503
Re: Tribute to all WPC Members old and new!
@buzz: Click to see original Image in a new window

Many thanks to buzz for of course hosting the best damn servers on the internet, but also for locking the Desert Combat server and along with tiddles teaching me how fly the choppers in DC you 2 have a ton of patience lol.
Solo of course for founding the clan but for also teaching me how to build websites using xoops and for teaching me yoda like patience and wisdom
Webley for founding the site aswell, but mainly for teaching me the phrase "awesome sauce"
Buzz, Eclipse, Tiddles and Oaksy for [neWPC] and everyone who was with us there.
Eclipse for being my boss way back when.
Gorn for telling me about the science experiments he used to do.
Blaze for his moderating skills, most moderators would just lock or delete a topic with out saying anything, others would give a short reason, but Blaze used to make funny images with I think it was dragon balls people on it, which later on turned developed in to the "spaminator" and "mr t" etc moderators. Its hard to get angry at some one who locks your topic when they put effort in to things like that
Svientore for his skills with the a-10 and making me paranoid on el alamein
Elo, hemi and everyone who makes mods and creative things with the WPC name on it, I really wish i could do what you guys do.
Whiskey for uploading WPC videos to youtube.
Snooze the chat box is your and with good reason, i only wish i had more time to talk to you in it.
I know there not technically members but the {WPC}, I remember when toofargone came on the site and was like "hey guys im starting up a clan called the wolfe pack clan any one want to join?" hehehehe
And to everyone else that ive ever played games with or ever talked to Im so sorry if I missed some people and I hope to game with you guys who I havent had the honor of doing so yet.

Now for the people who I dont miss:

Oaksy, man that guy was a huge pain in the backside and damn was he ugly.
Wupper, again another guy who was disadvantage in the beauty arena, he smelt of cabbage and was never any good at any games.

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Posted on: 2012/8/5 18:56

Joined: 2010/2/19
From: the Netherlands
Posts: 2442
Re: Tribute to all WPC Members old and new!
I'm not good at this "giving compliments thing", I blame being dutch for it I just want to give tribute to everyone who ever engaged in awesome chats in our lovely chatbox. It was never about the games, its all about the chats!

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Posted on: 2012/8/5 21:10

Joined: 2010/7/24
From: A bird's nest
Posts: 403
Re: Tribute to all WPC Members old and new!
I remember playing a lot of Killing Floor, and that time we finally beat Mansion (I think) on some hard difficulty level. So a tribute to everyone who was there!
I also want to tribute Webley for getting the clans first angry ice cream. Well done.

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Posted on: 2012/8/5 22:09

Joined: 2010/2/9
Posts: 520
Re: Tribute to all WPC Members old and new!
lol . got too admit the early days of battlefield 1942/ desert combat rocked * we spotted and dragged buzz into the family *

wished we saved the vids from the battles we had on those games

still love the old game avp 2 * so i will list 3 names that were a pain in my ass

blaze .. scary guy

oaksy .. just scary * he breeds scary *

buzz .. vehicles loved him


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